Figureworks Australia are launching a new cloud based accounting package called Intuit. Being ‘cloud’ based (hosted over the internet), it can be accessed through the internet from any computer at any time. Bank feeds automatically update in the program reduces data entry work and hence management fees. Because Intuit was once associated with Quickbooks, there is ...
Figureworks would like to remind all clients that the compulsory super contribution rate is increasing from 9.25 to 9.5% on the 1st of July. Cloud based accounting packages will change this automatically, and offline computer based systems require an update ‘patch’ to be downloaded and installed for this to work. As well as being essential for all businesses to update their super contribution rate, ...

Bad debts are an area of a business that often gets overlooked. If you are having issues with cash flow in your business, this is often a good place to start. Take the opportunity to look at the procedures your business has in place to avoid bad debt and how to tackle difficult clients. Look at the items that you sell ...

There are so many company obligations, it can be mind boggling. The sheer thought of growing your own business and employing staff keeps you awake at night. No longer is it just you, but now you are responsible to employees, their payroll, management, superannuation and their workplace health and safety. Not to mention BAS, PAYG obligations, ASIC, but the idea ...